Wednesday, November 18, 2015


My thoughts on murder charges during a war are that if someone or a group comes up to a restricted area or a military base they should be fired upon, but not to kill just to warn. If they open fire back then shoot them. What they have for rules now can be confusing. Say a car happens to drive straight into a US Embassy and you don’t know if they are hostile or not. Do you open fire? You decide not to and it turns out they are hostile and take the place down. You decide to open fire and they were not hostile and now you are charged with murder. Something needs to change.

                As for, “Citizenship is a duty not a privilege…”  I completely agree. People are getting it into their heads that they don’t need to do anything but sit back and watch. Everyone has a job to do. This country is called the UNITED States of America, but we are not united. We are all split into certain groups because each person likes this while the other likes that. We do have the government we deserve but we can realize that we all have a duty. These are my thoughts on the whole citizenship thing. I really think that this country needs to pull it together if we are going to be sending our military out to other countries and wars. We need to be safe in our own country while we make other places safe.