Thursday, February 18, 2016

Asian Auschwitz Reaction

           I am shocked that our government would go that far. I knew that they have done horrible things in the past, but this is terrible. They wanted it kept a secret as much the Japanese who worked there so they could also get the knowledge. The people that were alive when they were dissected have all died in vain because justice was not brought upon there executioners. They should have been punished for their crimes but instead our government just told them that they were allowed to keep a secret. We have better technology then they do. We could figure this stuff out using mice and rats. Why did it have to be the prisoners? Our government will do whatever they want as long as they get something out of it. It isn’t right but what can you do? This was 70 years ago and we are just finding out today. There was more than one group keeping this a secret and one of them was our own government. How could they allow their own people, Americans, to be tested as to whether a sword is sharp enough to decapitate them our whether they be used to find a cure for frostbite and so many other things. This was the worst thing I have read about. At first it was just talking about the Japanese but then when I read that our government took part, even if it was to just keep it secret, I was shocked. Japan wouldn’t even apologize to China because they didn’t have to because of some treaty. They know what they’ve done and they are still cruel enough to ignore it. This is something that everyone should know about and not just the people who survived and were able to tell about it but everyone.