Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Nash Equilibrium – a state of balance
Game Theory – knowing your opponents move before hand as strategy
Prisoner’s Dilemma – two people have to make a choice without knowing the other’s decision

Prisoner’s Dilemma Game
                After playing the game a couple of times, I think that it is a very strategic game. It looks simple but there is more to it than meets the eye. I just imagine a situation that would involve these choices. I feel like if you cooperate and then compete you are betraying the other person.

In History – War; knowing the enemies moves beforehand
In Government – knowing the other world powers moves beforehand
In Economics – You have two firms, Pepsi and Coca-Cola and each makes there prices high but one will compete and lower their price taking consumers away from the other.
In Sociology – playing chess
In Psychology – playing chess

In my everyday life – playing chess