Monday, September 28, 2015

Bacha Bazi Reaction

                In Afghanistan, our military is training the militia against Taliban forces. Everything is fine, except for one problem that won’t let our soldiers sleep at night.

                They here the screaming of boys and they can’t do anything about it. The A.L.P (Afghanistan Local Police) is sexually abusing these boys and they tell the marines to look away because it is part of their culture.

                I don’t know what I would do. They feeling that you can’t do anything about it and then you have to help these sick people. Some of the marines have even stated that the A.L.P is doing stuff much worse than the Taliban! I would feel like I was on the wrong side, but to go to the Taliban is also wrong. Three marines were even shot by boy servants of an A.L.P commander. One of the marines said that the boys think that they are letting this happen, but they don’t know is that they are all sick to the stomach.

                One of the American commanders even beat up a A.L.P for sexually abusing a boy. The American was discharged and left the military. That is not right. The “Bacha Bazi” is even happening on the bases of our own military, and they can’t do anything but look away.