Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Trump vs. Nixon

Well, the first comparison that can be said straight away is that they both have riots and protests against them. Now this helped Nixon greatly by getting elected for the most part and the article is saying that this may do the same for Mr. Trump. A similarity that goes alongside this is that they both supported the police. Nixon was the law and order when he was running against Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Trump has stated, “Police are the most mistreated people in the country.” Another similarity between the two was that they are both republicans. One last similarity is that they both realized that the protest would grow as their votes rose.

                Now some differences. Donald Trump has “Black Lives Matter” protesters against him and Nixon had multiple people against him and not just a certain group. Another difference is that Nixon blamed African-Americans for all the crime that was rising while Trump hasn’t blamed anyone, yet.

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