Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The "Lottery"

1. No. I realized something was wrong when they sort of redrew. He lulls us by using the word lottery and having people gather together telling jokes and smiling.
2. A small town. It makes it all seem isolated and strange. It makes me anticipate the ending more.
3. All of them seem to have a role and act as if it is normal. She was the one who said it wasn't fair and then she becomes the winner.
4. Lottery is ironic because it usually is great to be the winner. Also it is ironic when Mrs. Hutchinson says it isn't fair for her husband and then she ends up drawing and winning the lottery.
5. Graves is the easiest one of the lot. It obviously points to death so it is a symbol. Another one is that the lottery is held in the summer and the official is named Summers.
7. The black box and spot symbolize death. Black is usually the color of death and the box being battered means that it has been around for a while which makes it tradition. Tradition is not something people like to get rid of.
8. She is using it as an analogy.
9. Certain religious groups.
10. War itself.

Lottery today is a way to win money and most people look at it as a necessity. The lottery in the story tells us a lot more about human nature. It tells that tradition is not easily let go. A man, named Warner from the story, was the oldest in the town and he was telling everyone to hurry it up and stone the woman quickly so he can go back home. This also says, especially for today, how much the human race has grown to except violence. Back in the 60’s, BBC started up a show and it soon got cancelled because it was too violent. This show was later revived and 2005 and now we have TV shows that are so violent that they get better ratings the more violent they are. The Walking Dead (an amazing show) is one of these. The show is so violent that people from the 60’s or earlier would never have green lit it to air on TV. Since this story was written after World War II, I can see the point she was trying to get across. Times have changed significantly and they are just going to keep changing through time.

President Trump Fires Acting U.S. Attorney General

1. She is an Obama appointee serving as, or was, acting Attorney General.
2. His cabinet picks were delayed.
3. She betrayed him by telling people not to defend his immigration order. The White House said she is weak on borders and illegal immigration.
4. It was the right thing to do. She said that it was her job.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


1.       Frustrating
2.       I expected everything to fall apart and not go as planned.
3.       I wasn’t looking for anything wrong because I had already expected it to be wrong.
4.       I just went with it, although I was very angry at some points.
5.       It was frustrating.
6.       Yes, it is just a game. That is what you say to people who get angry over a game.
7.       Yes but every one still has to have their own uniqueness.

8.       We are competitive.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sociological Mindfulness

     This video felt very negative. At first, I was agreeing with the guy but then I felt that he was just going too far. I always try to put myself in other people's shoes but when you tell American's that they are all wrong and then expect them to listen is not right. His analogy with China just doesn't make sense. The United States is home to a lot of Muslims and other religious races, so where do they fit in with his analogy. So, I did not agree fully with him but it did show me just how far people will go to get their way.
     But, like I said, I try to put myself in other people's shows and these are a couple of examples. One time I was on a roller coaster and I put myself in the shows of the person controlling the roller coaster. He had the most boring job ever. He had to deal with crabby kids and adults, he had to watch everybody have fun, and he had to do everything right under pressure. Another time I put myself in my uncle's shows. He was in the military and he would tell me stories, occasionally. One of the stories was that his Commanding Officer was challenging his squad. The challenge was that the CO and whoever accepted would do push-ups. If the CO stopped first the one who accepted would get two meals. If the CO won, the one who accepted would get no meal. My uncle accepted this challenge but he said that the person who one was up to me.
     Lastly, I see myself fitting into the big picture of society by helping raise money donations for several places that need. This would help the country like it always has in the past.