Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mike Tyson and Freddie Gray: Failed by Society or Themselves

I believe that they both failed themselves. Starting with Mike, I know that he grew up in a bad neighborhood where he was expected to do things. Or was he because the person that asked him what he was doing was not a part of the gun shooting. By this I believe that Mr. Tyson did have a choice and that he did not say that in the article so that he could look like a victim. Then he went on to be a great success within boxing so I guess you could say that he was not failed by society which again leaves that fact that he failed himself. He has to live with what he said in the article and no amount of fame is going to change that. Just because you say you grow up in a horrible environment doesn’t mean you have to be horrible yourself. I know that this just sounds horrible and that Mike Tyson was a victim but was he. He, just like everyone else, had choices and he just made those choices out of, more than likely, fear.
Now, Freddie Gray definitely failed himself. The article is very clear about that. You can’t expect to get a job when you have a huge criminal record. Seriously he was a big time criminal and he tried to get a job and he even expected the person to say yes. Just like Mike Tyson and everyone else, Mr. Gray had choices and he didn’t make bad ones out of fear, he probably made them out of knowledge. What he did is probably all he knew how to do. This does not mean that people should take pity on him and hire him. The amount of trouble he could have caused may be unimaginable and you can’t blame them for not hiring him. He was even known to the police so what he did was one huge thing or a lot of multiple little, but bad, things. So I don’t think society failed Freddie Gray. He definitely failed himself.

Both of these men failed themselves. 

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