Thursday, March 30, 2017

Flat Tax or Flat Tire

            My opinion is simple; I would like to have a flat tax rate. This was even used for a short time after the Civil War and people were fine with it. It worked. This “Fair Tax” we have is not fair and the flat tax would be. Everyone would be giving out the same percentage. Say it is 10%, all you are doing is taking a zero off of your income and paying that. So if you made say $300,000, all you would have to pay is $30,000 leaving you with $270,000. This would be the best way especially for times like these. The federal government relied on sales tax before income tax and they were doing just fine and fair tax didn’t even arrive until the 1990s. Income tax didn’t arrive until 1913 with the 16th amendment. I just think that they want more and more money. By “they” I mean the government. I mean people we don’t get to elect, people who are just hired get to make up our laws and regulations and are paid with our money. That just seems a little weird and I am not really a fan of that. So flat tax is the way to go and who knows, maybe it will actually help with our terrible economy which is just going to keep getting worse. Also with flat tax we might actually be able to get the unemployment rate reduced. Maybe crime rates would also go down because people would actually be able to hold a job and keep a good chunk of money. If this makes federal workers angry than they should quit because if they actually cared about what the laws and regulations they make did they shouldn’t care what they get paid and what we have to pay.

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