Tuesday, October 4, 2016

My Amendment

I think that there is a need for an amendment that forces you to say the pledge of allegiance and to have the proper pose while saying it. It is just terrible when someone doesn’t do it because they feel they aren’t treated equally.  The amendment would look like this:

      Under this law no man, women, or child shall disrespect the flag during the pledge in any way. Every man, woman, and child shall say the pledge and have the proper pose while doing so. Disrespect to the flag in any way will give that man, woman, or child a punishment or fine.


  1. Wow, Hunter I love this, buddy. You did such a great job and I totally agree with this. You're a great writer man.

  2. this is a great amendment proposal. it would really make people straighten up while saying the pledge. very well written.

  3. This is amazing. I love this idea, it is great. It will help Americans be less sloppy and lazy during the pledge.
