Friday, September 16, 2016

Psychological Articles

1.        This article was about the older you get your brain will strategically slow down aging.
2.       More than 1.
3.       Yes. They used younger people to compare.
4.       They were chosen at random.
5.       They observed the test subjects on how they observed things.
6.       They reacted normally.
7.       Yes.
1.       This article was about using your perception of the environment to guide action that has a new understanding of the neural circuits.
2.       More than 1.
3.       There was no control group.
4.       The subjects were chosen randomly.
5.       They would observe how there brain reacted to the environment.
6.       The subjects didn’t react because it was their brain that was being observed.
7.       Yes and no. They expected brain activity but they found knew things in the neurons of the perspective area.
1.       The article was about studying when we picture a place, we picture more than we are asked or have panoramic memories.
2.       More than 1.
3.       There was no control group.
4.       The subjects were random people.
5.       They put VR (Virtual Reality) headsets on them which showed them a 100 degree image but the brain saw two 360 degree images.
6.       No reaction was recorded.
7.       Yes.
1.       The article was about trying to train the brain to treat itself with therapy when under traumatic stress.
2.       There were 42 participants, then 40 participants.
3.       Yes, there were two different experiments to compare.
4.       Randomly chosen.
5.       They downregulated the oxygen blood level in their brains and added a mental strategy which created an amygdala, or an indicator of regulation.
6.       They were pleased.

7.       Yes.

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