Monday, September 19, 2016

Skill Teaching

The only thing I can remember teaching is trying to teach my second cousin how to do a back flip. The way I taught him was pretty simple. He had a trampoline so we started on that. I told to jump, lean back, and tuck in his legs until he thought that it felt right to land. It took a while but he finally got it down except for the landing. He would just keep landing on his knees because he would stretch his legs back out to late. I solved this problem pretty easily. I told him to count from when he would jump to when he would stretch out is legs. He said it took 3 seconds. So I told him to stretch out when he got to 2. He landed it. Finally. Then it was time for the hard part. Trying on the solid ground. On solid ground you aren't going to jump as high so you have to be faster in your movements. It 3 tries for him to do it but again he was landing on his knees but I didn't have tell how to fix it. He got down on his fourth try. That is how I taught someone how to do a back flip.

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